Since its very beginning Gesm S.p.a. has been taking the highest care to the environment. The plants are equipped with the most modern filtration systems for sewage and smoke. A specialized personnel constantly monitors sensitive parameters thanks to appropriate software. The observance of the environmental regulations, that Gesm oft anticipates and improves in quality, is a guarantee and a fundamental precondition for the safety of both those who work and live close to Gesm and those who invest and trust in our product.
We would like to give you a short description of the main machinery's we use in order to carry out a productive process with as lowest as possible impact:
supervised physico-chemical sewage works, equipped with an automatic sampler on the final stage, which is supervised through a software in order to have always the quality of the issuing sewage under control. The working principle consists in the resolution of the pollutants through the addiction of appropriate reagents according to the substance which has to be reduced followed by the separation of this last one from the slop thanks to decantation, flocculation and filtration processes.
with a regenerative thermal recycling for the purification of smoke generated by the departments which use varnishes and solvents. These kinds of fittings tap the capacity of an inertial mass (porcelain, corderite) of cyclically storing and releasing heat. The thermal recycling can hit 96% and allows a drastic reduction of the running costs for the establishment and a consequent better impact on the environment.
used to dehydrate mud through a solid-liquid resolution process: this system allows the volumetric reduction of liquids that present solids in suspension. The establishment is composed of a series of plates alternating with canvases which, while adhering one to the other, create chambers where a kind of panel of dehydrated sludge shapes up. The liquid mud is pumped inside the filter where the solid part is retained and the liquid one is expelled.
that convey smoke in appropriate abatement towers called SCRUBBER. The abatement occurs thanks to the impact between the abatement liquid nebulized through spray nozzles and the powders and pollutants which are found in smoke. The polluted air is conveyed through the moving pump bodies in the scrubbing tower which are sprinkled by jets of water powered by a pump submerged in the tank of the SCRUBBER. This system uses always the same abatement liquid that falls again down in the tank where the polluting airy agents bank up and are successively drained as mud.